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Confirmation Preparation
Sacrament of Confirmation:
Students must attend two successive years of Confirmation Preparation. Students who have successfully completed all of the Requirements in Confirmation I and Confirmation II will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of their Confirmation II preparation year.
1. Students are required to attend Sunday Mass every Sunday.
2. Confirmation Classes are held every other Sunday from 4:55pm to 7:00 pm.
3. Regular attendance is expected. (only 2 unexcused absences allowed).
4. Students are required to participate in Stewardship /Service
Projects with classmates.
A. Church clean-up
5. Students are expected to know the basic Catholic Prayers. (English or Spanish)
Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be; Act of Contrition; Grace before Meals.
6. Students must attend one Confirmation I Retreat each year.
7. Students and Parents must attent Parent Meetings.
8. Parents are required to attend Faith Formation Nights.