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The Rite of Baptism for Children may only be celebrated with infants and children less than 7 years of age. In the eyes of the Catholic Church, anyone who has attained the age of 7 is no longer an infant. That person is now technically a minor, and is presumed to have the full use of reason (Canon 11 & 97). Unbaptized children who have attained the age of 7 and older should be entered into the religious education program and the children’s catechumenate process which is part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Preparing for Baptism at Sacred Heart Parish:
A Baptismal Guide Booklet must be picked up before registering for a celebration.
Baptisms are scheduled for Saturday mornings.
Registration and all paperwork must be completed at least two (2) weeks before the baptism date.
Please have the following documents at the time of registration:
Child’s Birth Certificate
Godparent’s Marriage Certificate
Confirmation Certificate if the Godparent is single
Infant Baptism Preparation:
It is a privilege for our parish clergy, staff and catechists to be able to serve parents as they prepare to undertake the responsibility of being the “primary teachers” of their children in the Catholic faith. Because this is such an important moment of grace in the life of the child and the family, our parish policies and procedures enable the parents to intelligently and fully participate in this sacred experience.
Canon Law (#851) guides us in this preparation, emphasizing that both parents and godparents must
be properly instructed in the meaning of this sacrament and the obligations/ responsibilities that are joined to it. Canon Law specifically directs pastors to develop “pastoral directives, common prayer, the gathering of several families together for baptism instruction, and when possible to visit them.